Double Festival Celebration of Guoan Family Circle


Celebrate the double festival and celebrate the reunion together. Let's raise our glasses and invite the bright moon to wish our great motherland a happy birthday!

Mid-Autumn Festival Celebrates National Day

In the prosperous times, we share the glory.

Celebrate the double festival and celebrate the reunion together. Let's raise our glasses and invite the bright moon to wish our great motherland a happy birthday! We are willing to defend the prosperous China with our youth. 2023 is a year full of hope and challenges. Zhejiang Ailis Dyeing and Finishing Co., Ltd. expresses its heartfelt thanks to all Ailis people who have made unremitting efforts for the high-quality development of the company for a long time! Thanks to all the Ailis people for their hard work and all-out efforts. We are in the same boat through thick and thin. Looking back on the past, we ride the wind and waves, forge ahead and look forward to the future. We cut through the thorns and walk side by side. We will create a better future together!

On this special day, let us feel the profound heritage of Chinese culture and inherit the feelings of family and country. Let's forge ahead hand in hand and strive hard to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!












There is a kind of pride called me and the motherland with birthday! Whenever the whole country celebrates, they all enjoy double happiness. There are so many "lucky people" in Ailis. The company sends them special blessings and gifts every National Day!


Stick to your post and confess to the motherland









National Day I'm on duty

There is a kind of feeling called persistence, a kind of responsibility called "I am on duty on National Day", and a kind of responsibility called "safe production does not close". Double festival celebration, in this special day, reunion is still a warm hope around our hearts, but there is always a group of people in the company, for the safe and stable operation of the enterprise, silently stick to ordinary jobs, busy production, ensure safety, stick to the front line, interpret responsibility and responsibility with practical actions, and write the blessing of the festival with persistence!


Zhejiang Ailis Dyeing and Finishing Co., Ltd. congratulates the motherland and wishes the motherland prosperity, prosperity, prosperity and peace.



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